Gaurav Rathour
3 min read1 day ago


  • 6 Reason and their solution Why Today’s Kids Struggle to Handle Pressure?
children are great imitators

Most of us remember being kids, filled with hopes, dreams, and a little bit of pressure. But today’s kids seem to struggle more with pressure than ever before. Why is that? Let’s talk about this.

1.Overwhelmed by Expectations

From a young age, kids face high expectations. Parents, teachers, and society all want them to excel. There’s pressure to get good grades, join clubs, and even play sports. It’s like being on a treadmill that never stops. When kids feel they have to be perfect, they can become overwhelmed and anxious.

Imagine trying to balance a stack of books on your head while running a mile. Sounds tough, right? That's how kids feel with all these expectations weighing them down.

2.Technology and Social Media Influence

In today's world, kids are always connected. They see what their friends are doing online, and it can feel like a constant competition. Social media creates a highlight reel where everyone seems to have the perfect life. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and the need to fit in.

Have you ever felt left out just because someone posted their awesome vacation photo? That’s pressure in action. Kids are struggling to keep up with what they see online, causing stress and anxiety.



Gaurav Rathour

Never compromised with your life. Its always do or die situation. Work hard,stay focused and don't get loose hope. One day your stars too will shine .